Sensors maximise energy-efficiency by relating lighting to occupation and the mount of daylight contribution.
Delmatic sensors provide passive infra-red presence detection, absence detection, and daylight-linking, accept switching, dimming & scene commands via an integral infra-red receiver, and can accept temperature and set-point data for integrated control of HVAC and enhanced energy-efficiency.
The Metro Dali one relay provides addressable control of non-Dali light sources and other devices such as fan-coils, blinds etc within a Dali environment.
The Metro Dali Buswire module provides addressable switching, dimming & monitoring of Dali luminaires along a common buswire.
A range of Dali controllers and devices for all applications and installations
The Metro microwave presence detector is designed to provide motion detection within an extended 30m area, typically within corridor and circulation routes. The device incorporates a highly sensitive detector which emits low power microwave signals & measures the reflections as the signals bounce off moving objects. Sensors can connect to plug-in or hard-wired modules as well as to the Dali bus and both sensitivity and time-out period are configurable.
The Dali emergency test and monitoring unit enables central testing and monitoring of emergency lighting battery packs with the unique advantage of feeding information directly back on the Dali buswire.